Member How to become an ÖVGD member
The ÖVGD is the professional association of legal interpreters/translators. Its “full members” are all certified legal interpreters/translators (annual membership fee: € 100). The ÖVGD provides a host of services to its members and represents their interests vis-à-vis the Ministry of Justice and other government agencies.
When retiring from professional life, full members can continue to follow ÖVGD activities by becoming “friends of the ÖVGD” (annual membership fee: € 40).
The category “sponsor member” (annual membership fee: € 260, minimum) is open to institutions interested in promoting the legal interpreting/translation profession.
The ÖVGD has bestowed “honorary membership” on several of its board members in recognition of their outstanding services to the association.
When retiring from professional life, full members can continue to follow ÖVGD activities by becoming “friends of the ÖVGD” (annual membership fee: € 40).
The category “sponsor member” (annual membership fee: € 260, minimum) is open to institutions interested in promoting the legal interpreting/translation profession.
The ÖVGD has bestowed “honorary membership” on several of its board members in recognition of their outstanding services to the association.